Report from Cllr Bryn Hurren BDC Lib Dem Member Box Vale Ward: December 2022

Firstly, congratulations to the Parish Council and all those involved in getting the Boxford Neighbourhood Plan up to and through the recent referendum.
This was a huge achievement as much of the work was done during the national lockdown when meetings and engagement were not allowed to take place and people were reluctant to mix with each other and take part in the normal way of life we were all accustomed to.
However, the joint chairs persevered, and all the work, assessments and policies were formulated to give the village a working document to take us well into the future. There is no doubt that this exercise is well worth doing as the planners have to take notice of it, but I do fear that more interference at government level could yet render all the work a waste of time.
We can but hope that the villages' views are listened to more into the future and I would like to place on record my thanks to all who came out to vote at the referendum.
Also best wishes to Edwardstone and Groton parishes who are also at various stages along this path and to Monks Eleigh and Brent Eleigh who are examining the merits of trying to achieve one jointly. I will try to help in any way that I can.
The next Babergh Full Council meeting will be interesting as the ruling groups are working together to question and debate the discharge of sewage into our local rivers. It turns out that this has happened 288 times during this current year, with the Brett and the Stour being the most polluted on the most occasions. In their annual report to shareholders Anglian Water stated to their shareholders that pollution of the waterways was avoided wherever possible, whereas it seems in reality this is not the case at all. Maybe to avoid the costs of improvements to the very shareholders they are making this promise to. Should be a very interesting debate and all on u-tube (whatever that is) as well nowadays.
At the last council meeting it was agreed that the new intake of coucillors elected from May 23 will have a more realistic allowance to cover their expenses if not their time, I would have done it for the love of helping people but I do agree that we have to be more realistic and try to encourage a wider intake of able folk from across the spectrum and not just political wannabees hoping to use it as a step up their political ladder or as a notch on their CV.
Having said that, the current group at Babergh are the best ever, in 24yrs I must have worn all the others down.
It has been promised by the new version of the old government that Suffolk is promised £10m of new money to support businesses and families suffering from the cost of living crisis and for leveling up, whatever that means. Maybe this is like the extra policemen and women we are getting which is actually only about 10% of those that were previously laid off during the austerity times. If Babergh is allocated any of this it will be important that it is used wisely and to the advantage of those most in need during this difficult winter period, which I promise will happen. We certainly need to keep a strong hand on the tiller at the moment. While a small local Council cannot be expected to make up for all the national Governments mistakes, failures and gross cock ups, we will do our best to do just that and not to have too many of our own.
I am conscious that this is the last BRN of this current year and I must take this opportunity to wish everyone a good festive season and entry into a better new year, 2023 is nearly here and will bring us new challenges on the local, national and even global front with the climate changes and strange weather patterns.
If anyone needs their councillor, I can be contacted at
Tel 01787 210854 or Mob 07771 508348
Please have the very bestest 2023 you are able to. Bryn. XX.